This is a message that I delivered on Nov 26, 2023 at Midway Mennonite Church in Columbiana, OH Dane Cramer is a backpacker, follower-of-Jesus blogger, jail chaplain, amateur filmmaker, Podcast host, and author of two books: Romancing the Trail and The Nephilim: A Monster Among Us
“Behold, We Go Up to Jerusalem”
This is a message I delivered at the Somerset Community Lenten Service on Feb. 24, 2021. Scripture: Mark 10:32-45.
A Coming Antichrist?
Is there a coming world ruler who will institute a cashless society and force everyone to receive the Mark of the Beast? Join me in this podcast for my thoughts on this controversial subject.
Deception, Plandamic, Satan, & The Book of Revelation
This is one of the most important podcasts that I’ve ever released. I believe something evil has been going on for sometime – and it seems to be increasing. Deception is creeping up on us and I’m afraid many of us are being caught unaware. Keep an open mind as you listen to this podcast […]
Can a Christian Eat Any Kinds of Food?
Do Christians need to follow dietary restrictions, or are we free to eat anything? This is a question I get asked a lot in my ministry. Join me in today’s podcast for an answer.
COVID-19 & The Kingdom of God
Tune in to listen to some of my comments and suggestions regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.
Is the Coronavirus an Indicator of Christ’s Return?
Does the Bible indicate that diseases like the Coronavirus reveal to us that Jesus is going to return soon? Join me as we look at this topic and some verses from Matthew 24.
Special Edition Podcast – The Corona Scare
The Corona Virus is causing a lot of panic and fear. In today’s podcast I want to take on the fear and dread that is abundant everywhere. How is a Christian to react? How are we to live?
The Eucharist and John 6
In a previous episode I introduced the subject of the Eucharist and whether the elements literally become the body and blood of Christ. In today’s episode I want to take this topic one step further and discuss Jesus’ discourse in John 6, which appears to deal with this subject.
Is Jesus Literally Present in the Eucharist?
Is Jesus really and literally present in the elements during the Lord’s Supper? Or, is He present in the elements in a figurative way? Tune in to this podcast to walk through these questions with me.