Does God still speak through dreams? Is it possible to get a message from God in a dream? If so, how will we know it is from God? In this podcast we will take a look at these questions. Perhaps God is trying to reach you through a dream?
Should I Go On An International Mission Trip?
Have you ever considered going on an international mission trip? If so, what is better: to send money to those in need, or a person? In this podcast I want to walk through some of my own thinking process in terms of these questions.
What Is God’s Will For Me?
What does God want me to do? Do I get married? Go to college? Enter ministry? We all have questions like this – big and small ones. In today’s podcast I want to talk about how we know what God wants for us.
Does God Speak?
Does God speak to us today? If He does, then how do we know it is the voice of God speaking? Many have claimed to have heard God – how are we to know? It today’s episode I want to take a close look at this question because if God is speaking I want to […]
Why Am I Saved?
Have you ever wondered why you are saved? What’s the purpose of salvation? What are we saved for? In today’s podcast I want to walk through these questions and provide some possible answers.
God Wants Me to Be Happy, Right?
Have you ever heard someone claim that God just wants them to be happy? Maybe this is something that you’ve said? Join me in today’s podcast – recorded during a thunderstorm – as we take a look at this question.
What About the Dinosaurs?
In today’s podcast we will take a look at the question of how dinosaurs fit into the creation story of the Bible.
Did the Thief on the Cross Get Saved In the Old or New Covenant?
Although this is not an important question to me, it is important to those who take a certain position on baptism. Therefore, I’m going to challenge the conventional position in this podcast. Come along and we’ll split a few hairs!
Georgetta’s Story
We all have a story. Each one is a sacred thing to share. In today’s podcast Georgetta shares her story of how she went through many very difficult years to becoming a martial arts black belt, a power-hiker, and an all around positive, energetic athlete.
On Baptism
Baptism is an important, yet often misunderstood concept. Oftentimes I am called upon in my ministry to address it. Therefore, I thought I’d take advantage of this platform to talk about it.