Strangely, this question has surfaced several times in the last few weeks. I say “strangely” because I don’t recall it being asked in a very long time. Then, I heard it three times in that many weeks. That seemed strange to me. So, what happens to me when I die? This is an interesting question […]
The Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail Needs Your Help
The Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail (LHHT) is probably the most popular hiking trail in Western PA – if not the entire state. Enjoyed by die-hard backpackers, sight-seeing day hikers, hard-core trail runners, or Boy Scouts troupes, the LHHT offers 70 miles of outdoor opportunities for the adventurer. Completed in 1976, the LHHT has become as […]
Why I Believe Atheism Fails
Let me begin by pointing out that some of my friends are atheists. I admire them, and respect their right to believe differently than me. Therefore, anything that I may hold contrary to atheism should not be seen as an indictment against people who are atheists. This article is about a system, not a people. […]
How Do You Explain This?
Just outside of the city of Jerusalem there is an empty grave. What makes this empty grave so unique is that it was not always empty. According to reliable records, an itinerant preacher by the name of Jesus of Nazareth was laid to rest in it just before the Jewish Passover during the early part […]
Was Jesus Buried for Three Days & Three Nights?
If Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, and raised on Sunday, then how can it be said that he was in the grave for three days and three nights? This is a question that stumbles a lot of Christians, and sometimes fuels the skeptic. The problem is clear: if Jesus died around 3 pm on […]
What Exactly is “Faith?”
For many people, religion is a very peculiar system. To them, it falls into the same class as fairy tales, unicorns, and mythology. It may be a nice story for old women and the uneducated, but for the thinking person it’s not a rational thing. One of the reasons that many think this way is […]
Sergei Kourdakov and the Quest for Truth
This blog post is unlike any that I’ve ever written. It is about a Russian naval defector, a mysterious death, a best-selling book, a journalist’s vision, a broken heart that longed to be heard, and a mystery that gripped an investigator. A Russian Naval Defector By all accounts, on the night of 03 Sept 1971, […]
My Citizenship
(This blog was originally posted as a Facebook note on Nov 8, 2012.) Because I was born in this country, the United States considers me its citizen. However, I have a greater, and far more important citizenship. My citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God recognizes no natural or man-made boundaries. […]
A Review of the Morakniv
With a price tag at right around $30, the Morakniv brings a lot of bargain to the backwoods table. A friend of mine had recommended this knife because of it’s price and durability. When I learned that the knife also carried the Light My Fire Firesteel, I was sold. The firesteel creates sparks measured at […]
Maybe All Religions Are Equally True?
Why should I believe that one religion is better than another? Aren’t they all just systems of faith? How can one person’s faith be more true than another’s? These types of questions are commonly asked very sincerely. In most instances, the questions probably arise from a desire to find peace among differing religious organizations. They […]