What’s not to love about the Sawyer Mini Squeeze filter? Well, for one thing, the provided “dirty” water bladder isn’t very convenient. The bladder is designed to be attached to the filter so that the water can be squeezed through it. However, the opening of the bladder is around an inch wide. One must either […]
The Four Blood Moons and September 28th
I had no intentions of blogging about this topic. However, within the past week I have had several people worriedly ask me my opinion about the four blood moons and fast approaching Sept 28, 2015. Therefore, I thought it might be helpful to those who follow my blogs to explore this topic with me. If […]
Was Kim Davis Wrong Or Right?
Before you register an answer, take the time to read this blog to fully understand the question. An inspiring and interesting news story has been sweeping the headlines. Kentucky clerk, Kim Davis, had refused to issue marriage licenses from her county office after the Supreme Court ruled allowing same sex marriages. She was jailed for that refusal. However, at […]
Are We Adopted By God or Born Into His Family?
This can seem confusing. Paul writes that we Christians have been “adopted” into God’s family (see Eph. 1:4-5 & Gal 4:5). Yet, we remember that Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be “born again” (John 3:3). So, which is it? Are we born into God’s family or are we adopted into God’s family? Are we […]
Can A Christian Remarry?
This is one of the most frequently-asked questions that comes my way in ministry. It is generally asked because of something Jesus said in Mark 10:11, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her.” That passage seems pretty straightforward. And, if we had no other passage dealing with the subject, then we […]
Something Is Happening
There seems to be something going on. Something spiritual. Something good. Something very good. For the past four or five years I’ve noticed something happening locally. I’ve shared it with my wife, friends, and my church. It’s time now to take it to the next level and blog about it. I want to share what […]
WARNING: This post contains graphic language. Here in the West we Christians tend to think of persecution as being mocked, laughed at, or being discriminated against. It makes us uncomfortable, but we can easily find the support of other Christians when this happens. If you are a follower of Jesus, however, in other parts of […]
Challenging the Rainbow
It’s hard to keep my emotions in check as I type this blog. Generally speaking, I’m a laid-back kind of guy. I don’t easily give in to emotional outbursts. As a matter of fact, I pride myself on being extremely pragmatic, allowing my reasoning functions to reign over my emotions. This time it’s not so easy. […]
What Makes Something Wrong?
The study of ethics and morality can be an interesting topic. Whether we recognize it or not, much of our lives is guided by our sense of what is wrong or right. Generally speaking, we avoid what is wrong or try to explain it away when we didn’t. This sense of right and wrong guides simple […]
How Will I Fare in the Coming Persecution?
With reports of violent persecution against Christians in the Middle East flooding the airwaves each day and of increased intolerance to those of us who follow Jesus here in the West, it is easy to sense in which direction the winds of destiny are shifting. Christians in the United States have long enjoyed unprecedented insulation […]