Even just a few minutes of the evening news would convince anyone that the world we live in is a difficult place. Not only do we regularly hear of wars, robberies, murders, and other acts of violence, but news of natural disasters and tragic accidents are just as common. Everywhere we turn we see and experience tragedy, […]
Am I a Christian Because I Was Raised a Christian?
This criticism of Christianity can have some merit. It is my guess that many who call themselves Christian (especially in the U.S.) grew up in Christian homes or were introduced to Christianity at a young age. They might consider themselves Christian because that’s all they’ve ever known. In fact, many who call themselves Christian do […]
Does God Still Speak to Us Today?
“The Lord wants me to tell you something.” “I’ve got a message from the Lord.” “God has laid it on my heart to do this.” Most of us have heard someone uttering a phrase like these. Spoken by well-meaning Christians, these people are convinced that God has singled them out with a particular message. They have “heard” His […]
Was the Thief on the Cross Saved Under the Old Covenant or New?
You may look at this question and wonder, “why would anyone even consider this important?” I agree. This is not one of those questions that I find even remotely vital to the Christian walk. However, because I’ve heard it asked a few times (most recently in a Sunday School class), and it apparently matters to some, […]
Keeping the Faith During Good Times
Very few people enjoy hardships. As a matter of fact, we do all that we can to avoid them. We purchase insurance policies so that when difficult times come, the losses we suffer won’t be as bad. We also avoid unnecessary risks because they may lead to unnecessary hard times. But, if there is a […]
For Those Who Hurt at Christmastime
Every year, at around this time, I post a message very similar to this one. I just have a sense that it’s a message worth repeating. The Christmas holiday season is certainly an exciting time. Shopping, baking, decorating, parties, and visiting are just some of the things that many of us enjoy this time of year. […]
Does the Bible Predict That Muhammad Would Rise As a Prophet?
Recently, I heard a Muslim attempt to support his claim that Muhammad was a true prophet. Surprisingly, he cited some passages from the Bible to build his case. He wanted to show that the Bible predicts the coming of Muhammad, thus proving that he was a true prophet. Let me begin by saying that I believe Islam’s […]
Trying to Understand #Ferguson
Like the rest of the nation, I watched the grand jury’s announcement on television last night. I listened to the reciting of facts and testimony that had been examined. In my way of thinking the process should be fairly straightforward. If the physical evidence from that tragic day and the eyewitness testimony supported charges being filed against […]
Zub-Zero Backyard Hammock Test
If I’m going to make a mistake about my winter gear, I’d rather it be in my backyard than up in the mountains. It’s so much easier to abandon backyard camp in the middle of the night and crawl into a warm bed with my wife, then it is to figure a way off of […]
Why I Am a Believer
This question was originally raised as a topic of discussion in our Sunday School class. However, it has been something that I routinely address during Bible studies at the jail. I address it often because the constant change in jail population brings new faces – men whom I haven’t met yet. Therefore, I find that I […]