A Review of The Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail

  I was asked to write a review of the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail for a great outdoors website: HikeByFaith.  If you’re familiar with me or my own web site you’ll know that I’m a huge supporter of the trail.  In spite of my obvious affections for the trail, I will strive to provide an honest, straightforward […]

There’s No Need to Worry

  You have problems. Lots of them.  You have financial pressures.  You have health issues. You have problems in your relationships.  You have concerns over loved ones.  You have so much going on. You have very good reasons to worry, right? Excessive worry is a serious problem. It can lead to health issues such as […]

An Interview With the Author of ‘The Nephilim’

This week I had the chance to catch up with Dane Cramer, the author of The Nephilim: A Monster Among Us.  However, what makes this article both woefully awkward and incredibly pitiful is that I am actually Dane Cramer.  So, I’ll be playing the part of a notable author as well as a renown correspondent.  Yeah, […]

Why Would God Order the Execution of a Sorcerer?

A good friend recently offered this question.  It comes out of Exodus 22:18.  In that verse, God plainly said, You shall not permit a sorceress to live. Old Testament passages like this have disturbed a lot of people. They see Jesus of the New Testament as the kind of person who would stop a stoning, not start […]

Hammock Stealth Camping – Failed!

Ever since the spring of this year, I had been dreaming of doing some hammock stealth-camping at a particular spot. The site is located along one of my favorite trails.  I’ve walked past the spot many, many times, and have always loved it.  It is a secluded location.  The trail winds across the breast of two, […]

Should Churches Display the American Flag?

My wife and I recently were guests at a wedding.  As we sat down in the church, we both immediately noticed a large American flag hanging on the left side of the front of the sanctuary.  On the right side was a large Israeli flag.  Both flags were draped boldly in front of worshipers.  They weren’t […]

Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God?

Inerrant means “free from error.”  For many evangelicals this is an important part of their belief system.  They would say, “If God inspired the Bible, and God cannot commit error, then the Bible cannot contain any errors!” For this reason, critics of the Christian faith enjoy targeting the Bible.  They believe that if they can […]