Back in February of 2022, I posted a blog and did a video in which I examined a prophesy given by Troy Black that he had claimed was given to him by God back in September of 2021. Troy had claimed that some events were going to occur in January of 2022 that were related […]
What is the Book of Enoch? Should Christians Read It?
In today’s blog I want to discuss what we call the book of Enoch. What exactly is it? Why isn’t it in our Bible? And should Christians be reading it? These questions have come up many times in my ministry over the years, and recently my friend Sam sent an email and asked about it. […]
Does the Bible Allow for ‘Adam & Steve?’
A few years ago, I had an online dialogue with Reverend Doctor Johnathan Tallon, who is, according to his website, a New Testament professor at Luther King Center in Manchester in the UK. Dr. Tallon has a Youtube channel and back in 2020 I stumbled on one of his videos called, “Does Genesis rule out […]
Who Is the Man of Sin?
In this blog I want to continue an earlier article on eschatology, and talk about the famed ‘man of sin’ that is described in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. In my last blog I discussed the identify of the antichrist and pointed out that the bible really doesn’t say too much about that character, and that […]
Who is the Antichrist?
In today’s blog I want to discuss the identity of the antichrist. This is a subject that interests a lot of Christians and it’s a question that I field a lot in my ministry, so I thought I’d share some of my thoughts. As always you can take or leave what I have to say […]
Is Russia Magog?
Is the Biblical nation of Magog modern-day Russia? Is the war with Gog of Magog as described in Ezekiel 38 a future war between Israel and Russia? As we watch Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are we seeing the beginning of the battle of Armageddon? Those are the kinds of questions that I want to take […]
Stop Saying, ‘The Lord Told Me…’
Stop saying, “the Lord told me.” That’s my piece of advice for Christians today. This is a subject that is sort of an issue that I find particularly annoying, and so I kind of wanted to share just a commentary on it and some of my thoughts. Take it or leave it. You certainly don’t […]
On Tavner Smith, Marriage, & Divorce
In a recent blog I discussed the situation of Pastor Tavner Smith, he’s a mega church pastor out of Chattanooga, TN, who was recently caught in a compromising position with another man’s wife. Although he initially denied any wrong doing, after a brief sabbatical, he’s returned to the pulpit and confessed to his congregation that […]
Which Day of the Week Should Christians Gather?
Today’s blog comes as a result of an email that I got from Rob, a friend of mine, who explained that he was in a conversation with a friend of his about Christians gathering on the first day of the week. Now, I don’t want put words in the mouth of Rob’s friend, but it […]
Is Troy Black a False Prophet?
Back in December of 2021, I wrote a blog on a so-called prophecy given to the world by Troy Black from his Youtube Channel: Troy Black Videos. Troy’s video was called, “God Showed Me a Coming Sign of War in 2022.” It was released on December 17, and when I last looked it had well […]