Let me begin with a definition of terms. “UFO” began as an abbreviation for the words Unidentified Flying Object. Technically, anything that flies through air or space and is not identified, could be classified as an unidentified flying object. But, in our modern vernacular, the abbreviation is so closely associated with extraterrestrial, or alien life […]
Are We Predestined to Believe?
Are we predestined to believe? Has God selected who will come to faith and who will not? Do we not have a choice in the matter? That’s the issue that I’d like to address in today’s blog. If you’ve been following along on my blog lately, then you know that I’ve been dealing with issues […]
Can We Lose Our Salvation?
Can we lose our salvation? If you’ve been following along on this blog, then you know that lately I’ve been dealing with topics and scripture related to Calvinism. As I’ve explained, I used to be a Calvinist and had once held tightly to those doctrinal beliefs. However, I have since abandoned those beliefs. Calvinism is […]
Why I Am No Longer a Calvinist
In this blog I’d like to discuss my journey in and out of Calvinism. If you’re not familiar with that word; no problem, I’ll do my best to explain what I mean. I was raised in a United Methodist church, which had previously been an Evangelical United Brethren congregation. Both strains either were, or are, […]
Who Are the Nephilim?
Who are the Nephilim? That’s the question that I want to take a look at today. This is a question that keeps popping up in my ministry. The night before I posted this blog, an inmate in the jail asked me the question during Bible study. I know that a lot of people have the […]
Can Our Loved Ones Look Down On Us From Heaven?
This question was sent to me from my good friend, Brian from the Great Lakes Backpacker Youtube channel. When Brian sent me a text message with this question, he actually referenced a blog-styled article from Ibelieve.com on the topic. I’m not familiar with this site, but it seems to be a devotional-styled webpage written from […]
“Behold, We Go Up to Jerusalem”
This is a message I delivered at the Somerset Community Lenten Service on Feb. 24, 2021. Scripture: Mark 10:32-45.
Making Something Good of the Ravi Zacharias Scandal
Like so many others, the Ravi Zacharias scandal has really shaken me. However, I think that there’s some good that God can bring out of this terrible mess. If you’re not familiar with what is going on, then let me bring you up to speed. Ravi Zacharias was born in India, and become a Christian […]
Understanding God’s Will For Your Life
What is God’s will for your life? What does God want you to do? In this blog I want to discuss a question that is often on every believer’s mind – what does God want me to do? One of the most frequently asked questions I get from not only guys I teach at the […]
Why I Don’t Tithe
Today I’d like to address why I don’t tithe, and why I believe tithing is not for the church today. To understand where I’m going with this, allow me to first talk a little about what tithing is. If you’re like me, then you grew up in a church where each Sunday morning you were […]