In a previous blog I had noted that when Dana Coverstone’s dreams had begun to get published, everyone (including him) expected to see them being literally fulfilled. However, a few months after his dreams were being published on Youtube and Facebook, Dana began to announce that he was working with some dream interpreters who were […]
Planning Your Hike on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail
Whether you are planning a single, overnight hike, or you’ll be hiking all 70 miles in several days, you will find the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail (LHHT) the perfect place to relax and rewind. It is Western PA’s mountainous gem, and is here for the taking. In this blog I’d like to provide some basic […]
Should Dana Coverstone Apologize?
On June 25, 2020, Pastor Coverstone posted his very first dream video on social media. In this video he recounted dreams that he claims to have had in December 2019, as well as some more recent dreams. In that video he described what he saw as a warning “for the country; a warning for rural […]
Kevin Zadai Defends His Missed Prophecy
A few weeks ago I blogged & shot a video about the apparently failed Trump prophecies. One of the prophets that I had highlighted was from Kevin Zadai. In 1992 Zadai was having surgery and claimed to have had an out-of-body experience with Jesus that lasted about 45-minutes. Since then he has been focused on […]
Did Dana Coverstone’s November Dream Come True?
Another month is behind us. Another time to pause and consider whether there is good evidence to believe that God is speaking through Pastor Dana Coverstone’s dreams. Click here to watch my video review of November. In previous blogs I’ve taken a look at Dana’s September and October dreams. I’ve also examined September’s dream and […]
The Trump Prophecies Examined
It was June 2020 that I first saw Dana Coverstone’s original dream video. Like many others I began to follow some of his subsequent dreams in order to determine if they would come true. While doing my research I soon became inundated with videos on Youtube. Its algorithms apparently thought I was interested in prophetic […]
Dana Coverstone – A Twist in the Plot
Like many others I have been closely following the Pastor Coverstone story. Dana Coverstone is an Assemblies of God pastor who claimed in December 2019 he had experienced a very strange and prophetic dream. He believes that he began to see the dream come true when the coronavirus began to spread rapidly in the US […]
How Can We Objectively Know if a Dream is From God?
Nearly every time we sleep most of us have dreams. Some experts say that the average person will dream 4-6 times per night. If we have 7 billion people in the world right now, then in each 24-hour period there are about 24 billion dreams being experienced globally. That’s a lot of dreams. Even a […]
Examining Dana Coverstone’s Dreams
On June 24, 2020, Dana Coverstone, a pastor from Brooksville, Kentucky posted a video on Facebook. In this video he described a series of dreams that he called “prophetic,” and which were a “warning” to this country. He claimed that the first of these dreams occurred in December of 2019. In June he decided to […]
Don’t Forget to Fact-Check the Media
During the weekend of Jan 19, 2019, a video went viral depicting a Kentucky teenage male and a Native American in what appeared to be a standoff. The young man was wearing a “MAGA” hat and had just returned with his classmates from a March for Life peaceful protest. The video purported to show a […]