Nearly every time we sleep most of us have dreams. Some experts say that the average person will dream 4-6 times per night. If we have 7 billion people in the world right now, then in each 24-hour period there are about 24 billion dreams being experienced globally. That’s a lot of dreams. Even a […]
Examining Dana Coverstone’s Dreams
On June 24, 2020, Dana Coverstone, a pastor from Brooksville, Kentucky posted a video on Facebook. In this video he described a series of dreams that he called “prophetic,” and which were a “warning” to this country. He claimed that the first of these dreams occurred in December of 2019. In June he decided to […]
Don’t Forget to Fact-Check the Media
During the weekend of Jan 19, 2019, a video went viral depicting a Kentucky teenage male and a Native American in what appeared to be a standoff. The young man was wearing a “MAGA” hat and had just returned with his classmates from a March for Life peaceful protest. The video purported to show a […]
How to Hang Your Hammock
How to Hang a Hammock Whether you’re relaxing at the beach, setting up camp in the middle of a forest, or creating a calming space in your own home, hammocks provide the perfect way to soak up the more peaceful moments of your life. Getting that perfect “hang,” however, is essential in stretching out […]
A Coming Antichrist?
Is there a coming world ruler who will institute a cashless society and force everyone to receive the Mark of the Beast? Join me in this podcast for my thoughts on this controversial subject.
Deception, Plandamic, Satan, & The Book of Revelation
This is one of the most important podcasts that I’ve ever released. I believe something evil has been going on for sometime – and it seems to be increasing. Deception is creeping up on us and I’m afraid many of us are being caught unaware. Keep an open mind as you listen to this podcast […]
Is Dr Mikovits Telling the Truth?
Is there a conspiracy surrounding COVID-19 and the medical community? A recent controversial video called “Plandemic” has been making the social-media rounds claiming that there is. I’m not so sure. The video, produced by filmmaker Mikki Willis, has been pulled by Youtube. However, as of this writing it can still be found on Facebook. (I […]
Can a Christian Eat Any Kinds of Food?
Do Christians need to follow dietary restrictions, or are we free to eat anything? This is a question I get asked a lot in my ministry. Join me in today’s podcast for an answer.
COVID-19 & The Kingdom of God
Tune in to listen to some of my comments and suggestions regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.
We Need a Doolittle Vaccine
On Dec 7, 1941, the United States was attacked by Japanese forces at Pearl Harbor. For about the next four months the nightly news broadcasted only defeat into the homes of American citizens. The Japanese went on to find victory as they attacked Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, & Hong Kong. Next to fall were the naval […]